Orfeo ed Euridice (Wien 1762)

London 1770





Datierung: 1770

Qualität: Bearbeitung

Überlieferungsform: Weitere Textbücher


ORFEO ed EURIDICE, / ORPHEUS and EURYDICE; / AN / Opera, in the Grecian Taste. / As Perform'd at the / KING'S-THEATRE / IN THE / HAY-MARKET. / The Music as originally composed by Signor GLUCH, to / which, in order to make the Performance of a necessary / length for an evening's entertainment, Signor BACH has / very kindly condescended to add of his own new com- / position, all such chorusses, airs, and recitatives, as are / marked with inverted commas, except those which are / sung by Signora Guglielmi, and they are likewise an en- / tire new production of Signor GUGLIELMI, her husband. / The Poetry is from Signor CALZABIGI, with additions / by G. G. BOTTARELLI, of all that Messrs. Bach, and / Guglielmi have enriched this Performance by their Music. / Inmites potuit flectere cantibus umbrarum Dominos, Euridycen / dum repetitsuam. / LONDON: / Printed by W. GRIFFIN, Bookseller and Stationer, / in Catharine-Street, in the Strand. 1770. / [Price One Shilling.]

Pasticcio, Hochformat, 36 S.; italienisch/englisch


Sartori 17432
